About Us:
The Mount Vernon Amateur Radio Club (MVARC) is the
largest group of amateur radio operators in Knox County,
Ohio. We are proud to be an American Radio Relay
League (ARRL) Affiliated & Special Service Club with our
affiliation dating back to September 1958.
We exist to promote amateur radio, serve our members,
educate the community and be a resource for our served
agencies, Skywarn and our local ARES group.
Our primary repeater is located just north of Mount Vernon
on St. Route 3. It operates on a frequency of 146.790- with
a PL of 71.9 and operates under the club call sign of K8EEN.
Our secondary repeater is also located just north of Mount
Vernon on Route 3. It operates on a frequency of 444.600
(+5 MHz with PL of
71.9 Hz). It also has the call sign
of K8EEN.

Vernon Amateur Radio Club
812 Coshocton Avenue
PMB #145
Mount Vernon, Ohio 43050
Knox County Sunday Night Net Preamble