Knox County Emergency Coordinator: Anthony Aristide, KE8OOE Cell Phone: 330-322-4615 |
The Knox County ARES is a public service organization, consisting of licensed Amateur Radio operators who have voluntarily registered their time, talents and equipment to provide communications and services to the public where ever possible.
The Knox County ARES is a dedicated corps working
hand-in-hand with local, state and federal government agencies, as
well as other non-profit and community-service organizations
providing communications and assistance in times when resources
aren't otherwise available or they are overloaded. Want more information about the Knox County ARES? Contact Anthony Aristide, KE8OOE
Ohio Section Emergency Response Plan (OSERP)
Knox County ARES Ops Manual 7/30/2019 - Word Version
Knox County ARES Ops Manual 7/30/2019 - PDF Version
Knox County ARES Severe Weather Net Preamble and Procedure
Knox County Sunday Night Net Preamble
Knox County Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
National Traffic System (NTS) and Radiogram Training
ARRL Precedences, Message Numbers and Handling Instructions